Tuesday 8 January 2013

Language Facts

Language Facts

1  There are about 6912 living languages in the world.

2  The language with the greatest number of negative speakers in mandarin chinese.

3  The language spoken by the greatest number of non native speakers is english.

4  The most difficult language to learn is Besque, which is spoken in north western spain  and 
     south western france. It is not related to any other language in the world.

5  Somalia is the only african country in which the entire population speaks the same  language .    Somali.               

6  The country which the most languages spoken is papua New Guinea 820 living languages.
  7  The first language ever written language is sumerian or Egyptian about 3200 BC.

8   Oldest written language still in existence greek about 1500BC.

9  The language with the largest  alphabet :Khmer 74 letters and the language with shortest      alphabet  is Rotokas 12 letters

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